Thursday, July 21, 2011

Joining the army, boyfriend isn't supportive but 'my choice is mine to make'?

When I went in at 17 I had a girl Friend that did not ant me to go but I had already decided. So I told her not ot wait for me cause I did not know if I would even come back alive or as the same person. The military changes you for me it was a good change and for most it's a good change. When you go in the likely hood of you staying with that guy is slim. The reason is because you will meet more men that are more exciting and more interesting and from different backgrounds than what you get at home. Your Bo wants to control your life and that is a red flag right there. When you marry you should marry because you love one another and want whats best for each other. If there is any question about where you are going in life 18 is not a age to make a commitment. Once you have been in the military you will find new goals because they get you to think much bigger than your small would you live in now. Once you go to other countries and train and learn the things you will learn will change you for the rest of your life. In fact so much so that he may not even be interested in you once you get out. But what happens if you decide to stay in and make a career of it? The decisions you are making affect you more than anyone else so make the choices for yourself. If he does not like it and won't wait to see what happens then he does not love you, he believes your his personal property and that to is no way to start a relationship. Some guys know what they want at a young age but most kids don't know what they want till they are in their late 20's so whatever you do do whats right for you the rest of your life will fall in place in time and don't worry about how he feels it's your life treat it as such till you are ready to settle down. You will be glad yo did. I can tell you I saw many men receive Dear john letters when I was in, in basic training 30% got them and later on after a year many more received them and a lot received divorce papers in the first year. Young people have a hard time abstain from partying and the after affects of partying like accidental sex after the parties so let it go do your thing this may be the only time in your life that you get to do what you want to do and not have to worry about some mane telling you what you can and can't do.

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