Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Am I reading too much into this? Was he just being friendly?

A few months ago I added a guy on facebook I've never actually met but we've got a few mutual friends and he lives 20 minutes away. We're both 17 and I thought he was cute cus unlike most other guys, he isn't into partying, drinking, etc. I messaged him a day later and we were talking over facebook inbox/message asking questions about each other for a while, then suddenly he stopped replying (probably cus I didn't ask any question but it definitely wasn't a conversation closer). He did, however, suddenly say "you're really pretty btw just putting that out there :)" in one of his messages. It was his birthday 3 weeks ago and I wished him and he said "thanks pretty woman :)" and I was the only one he said that to and I denied it and he said "oh don't be so modest will you!" and then later he liked one of my photos (it wasn't even a new profile picture, I had it even before I added him). He hasn't contacted/messaged me since… He never goes on facebook chat and I know he's been online cus he updates his status, etc. I've been told that he doesn't normally "flirt" (even harmlessly) with girls and isn't the type who just calls someone 'pretty' without having any interest towards them. Was he just being nice and friendly though? I really wanna meet him but he hasn't initiated any conversation with me… Will he ever? What should I do? I don't wanna initiate another conversation cus I've already added him and messaged him first... :S

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