Saturday, July 16, 2011

What is the correct form of writing this in spanish? its for spanish i have been struggling with it?

Idk if im missing the accents but i dont think i am its counting it wrong, can it be im writting it correctly? here this is the prompt that i have to write idk how to write this ~ but that is not my concern right now......... Para el ano que viene yo (defender) la tesis. En dos anos una universidad muy grande me (aceptar) para su programa doctoral. Mis padres (acostumbrarse) a la idea que vivire en los estados unidos permanentemente. Mi novio (mudarse) a la ciudad donde yo estudiare para el doctorado. Nosotros (decidir) si nos casaremos o no. En cinco anos yo (graduarse) con el doctorado y tambien yo (conseguir) el trabajo de mis suenos................PLEASE SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY IDK WHY IM HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME AND IM MEXICAN LOL i would think i would know how to write in spanish but i guess i dont. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY.

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