Friday, July 15, 2011

Is the Christian God jealous?

The god of Christianity doesn't care if your a good person or not, he just cares if you believe in him but why? Why would he send a good Muslim to hell but accept a guy like Hitler into heaven if he believed in god at the end of his life. Is god jealous? What does believing in something change about who you are and what you did on this Earth while you were alive? There are tons of Gods to pick from, so why choose to believe in the one who just asks for your belief and 10% of your paycheck? I'd rather put my money on a god who is going to take a look at the whole picture and look at who I am, or no god at all. The bible even says that God is a jealous God (Ex.20:5 34:14 Deut.:24 5:9 6:15 Jos.24:19 1Kings 19:,14 Ezekial 39:25 Neh.1:2). So, if you are a Christian do you think that jealousy is a sin, and if so is god a sinner?

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