Saturday, July 23, 2011

POLL:: Is it a waste of time to read fiction?

No, I don't think so because I read fiction, non fiction, manga, newspaper and magazine so there's wrong with a fiction at all. :)

Need help with baby names?

i have a two year old girl who's name is samaura jo (starts with an s because her dads name is shawn middle name jo bc her dads is joseph) we call her mauri we also have a 10 month girl named elayna ann ( starts with an e bc my name is elisabeth and my middle is ann) we call her Layni we have no idea what we will name our next kid if its a girl it needs to end in an a and be able to be shortened like her sisters and preferably three syllables lol and for a boy were at a loss I love the name keegan but dad does not also i feel the name has to hae something Special sense our first two are named after us help!

Is jo willfred tsonga good enough to get to a final?

well the final at eastbourne was murray v tsonga and murray won, the wimbledon final could be a repeat of that final, i see this as murray's chance to win wimbeldon finally, novak djokovic isn't renound for having a good grass game

Help with names for beauty blog?

Trying to come up with a name for a blog I'd like to start, beauty related, makeup, skincare, nail polish, etc. My name is Jolene, nickname Joey or Jo Jo, maybe something that incorporates my name, but it doesn't have to. Thanks in advance

Do u have a tacky number plate on your car?

U know. The ones that kinda read something that's not quite what it's supposed to be. Like B10W JO. My is a more tasteful letter of month I was born, the date of the month, then my initials.

Could you tell me how my story is?

Sorry, this sounds like it was written in something other than English, and then translated. It is impossible to read with any understanding. I can tell it was not originally written in English, as even a third grader would not write a sentence like: "However this time a strange energy was filled in this room followed by words from the blue hued robot." This probably made sense in Chinese, or Korean, or whatever, and that is where it should have remained.

I want to be a doctor, however I slacked off in high school, do I still have a chance? I'm 18.?

I slacked off throughout high school. I've been on both sides of the fence, I was bullied freshman / sophomore year so I dropped out and attended an online high school. My junior and senior year, I did very stupid things to fit in. I started becoming involved with the "popular" crowd who drank and did drugs, which ultimately led me being the one who did the drugs and drank. I feel horrible for letting myself go down that road, but it happened, I can't change it. I fortunately did get accepted into a four year college, but I don't have the rigorous curriculum background that most students in pursuit of a doctoral degree do. I'm horrible at math, but I'm willing to work. I've finally discovered what I want to do with my life. What can I do to reach my goals, besides the obvious hard work.

Favorite alternate guitar tuning?

my favorite is DADGAD because unlike many other alternate tunings, it is very versitile. another nice one is CGCFCE which is used in many Nick Drake songs (not that any of you have heard of him). Of course, drop d is always fun too. let me know your thoughts, guitar players!

How comes people dont like eminem here?

he is like the best rapper ever!! he raps about his life and not drugs sex or violence. i mean i can like really relate to him! and his songs not afraid and love the way you lie are like the best rap songs ever.but i see people here hating on him! why is this? eminem actually raps about his life unlike every other rapper's.

Can you get a doctoral degree in dental hygene ?

I wanted to be a dental hygienist because they make good money, then i saw that with a doctoral degree i would make even more. I was wondering if it was possible to get a doctoral degree in dental hygiene ?

What's a chemistry doctoral thesis?

Someone just asked me that ''What's yo chemistry doctoral thesis (not that I would understand but still am interested)?'' and i'm honestly not quite sure....

How popular will politicians be if they ring-fence their own pensions?

Don't know Patch this one is dodgy indeed. They are already claiming more on expenses and getting away with it than they did before, under the new rules to sort out the expenses fraud. Within 3 months of this government taking power the short fall in MPs pensions was paid up in full by the taxpayers. It came to tens of millions. They voted on that as well and the vote was unanimous. I reckon they will ring fence their own pensions or make new rules to cover themselves. My old grand dad once told me that once a thief always a thief. In this case of the MPs you can pretty well count on that being spot on.

Most Public School Teachers have five years plus of college. You think they should work for free?

They're being paid a generous salary, but they want all free insurance and benefits that WE the taxpayer are forced to provide for them by the unions..

How to I get my ex and my boyfriend to get along?

You have broken up with your ex, it is not your responsibility to calm him down. As he took it seriously, his family, his friends should be helping him. YOu will get into mess if you are seeing someone else & still so concerned about your ex.

What do you think of a 26 year old who still lives at home and plays World of Warcraft?

XD XD XD XD XD loser, god... your 26! forreal.? im 14 and guys who play world or warcraft are nerds. everyone knows that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Writers; how real are your characters to you?

My characters I know from the inside out. :) As the majority were products of my dreams, so therefore I feel they are direct parts of myself. It freaks my family out how I speak of them as though I just saw them pass by on the street. LOL So yeah, I know what you mean. ^-^

How do I get teaching experience?

I teach at a community college and we would not hire a psychology adjunct without a masters degree. I would suggest looking for a job in mental health. This may not be what you want but experience is experience.

What is a good middle name for Jonah?

My husband and I would like to name our little boy Jonah. We really love the name and my mother passed away last year and her name was Jo Ann, so we wanted to name our son a variation of my mother's name too. Our last name is Dickerson and we are trying to find a middle name that has a nice ring. The names we have come up with so far are: Jonah Adler, Jonah Reid, Jonah Avery, Jonah Gage and Jonah Lake. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

How long before Republicans spin this into an argument against unions?

You do live in a fantasy world. This was a bad appointment. But not as bad as putting a tax cheat at the head of the US Treasury Department (which runs the IRS). The same guy couldn't figure out Turbo Tax but was the only guy who could figure out TARP. Little Timmy Geithner.

Question about ADD and medicine?

Alright, I take vyvance 60mg and unlike other people I have never had any side effects to it. But that's not really what this is about. I'm almost out with this prescription and I was thinking about just laying off it at least until college starts up. The reason it has taken me so long to want to go off it is because of how I act when I go off it for day or two. Basically when I'm off of it, I don't have much energy. I feel like a slug and just don't have motivation to do any work. I just want to sit on the couch and play video games or get on the computer. But when I am on it, I will do any yard work i need to or anything. SO... if I am off it for a while and let it get out of my system, will I go back to acting normal and have my regular energy back? I'm guessing the only way to know for sure is to just quit taking it and see?

Master Business Administration or Doctoral Business Administration degree?

My biggest dream is to create my own video game company with some friends. I also don't have a lot of money to invest for the business, so I was thinking of borrowing a loan from a bank. My question is, If you have a higher degree (like Doctoral Business Administration) and wrote a good detail business plan finance, will you get a higher chance to borrow the loan than getting a Master Business Administration?

Why did Katelyn Tarver leave Big Time Rush? Is she coming back?

Why did Katelyn Tarver (Jo Taylor) leave Big Time Rush. I've seen the episode and I know she gets some part in a movie in New Zealand but why did they just fire her off the show or is she going on tour or got a big part in a TV show

What do you think of these baby names?

I like your boys names and their references alot! I dont, however, truley understand the point of the whole "this was my great grandmas name, its his older brothers name, my mothers name" thing. I think its nice if thats what YOU really want but if your doing it for someone else, its just weird! do what YOU want while nameing your babies! I do like Sarah Grace! Dont like Joanna and dont like Elise!!

Thoughts on a piece I wrote for my English class?

very good, but after one read its seems more descriptive of her environment than of her character and when you have to start talking abt her character with "julia was an intuitive girl...." it seems very blunt and in complete contrast to the description of her environment which flows like water. you are very good at description of the surroundings, use that to bring out the character. the character development seems very blocky, merge it with the rest of the text. when u describe the grass or the bushes bring out her thoughts abt how she believes there are secrets hidden behind them, in them/it and how when the wind blew she wanted to follow it to see where it went to see perchance where it began,< this is just a crude example to describe her curious character, her determination, start it off smoothly, ease into the character. ( i hope this helps somehow, i would want to read further)

Friday, July 22, 2011

What's a good piano book of hymns?

I'm an episcopalian, and I'm a pretty good piano player. In my church we sing traditional hymns from the Oremus Hymnal 1982 and hymns like "A mighty fortress is our god" and "The King of love my shepard is" These aren't usually songs you find in your average church piano book. I want to buy a nice piano book full of hymns that I'll actually know and recognize, unlike a lot of the books that are just filled with modern worship songs preformed by a "worship band." I'd really appreciate anyone's help in finding a good book and I'm open to any suggestions.

A question on music majors?

You know how music majors typically have an ensemble requirement in undergrad? Do you have an ensemble requirement in grad school music programs (Masters & Doctoral programs) too if you're a performance major?

How does a 670 on the Psychology GRE Subject Test compare?

I just received my scores back from the Psychology GRE Subject Test, and found I had 670. That's in the 69th percentile (or top 31%)... is that high enough for admission to most doctoral programs? It seems low to me.

What Does a guitar Processor do ?

Basically, it emulates what the individual pedals do, distortion, chorus, delay, reverb, etc. To me the processors just don't come close to sounding as good as individual pedals. So for instance you can buy a Boss ME-25 multi-effects processor for $199 and it does a bunch of different effects. You can buy a Boss DD-7 pedal that only does delay for $179. So you really can't expect the processor to be of the same sound quality as the individual pedal. Of course there are much more expensive processors that would sound better. To me it's just a compromise. You give up sound for convenience.

Am I Qualified to Apply for a Doctoral program?

Sure; most don't require any experience teaching at all. What most of them want are high grades and research experience.

Would being a teacher at a school specialized for deaf people pay more than a reg teacher?

The problem with schools for the deaf (at least for the US) is that the Americans with disabilities act that requires public schools to make accommodations for students with disabilities has lead to the more deaf children being able to attend local public schools instead of deaf schools. Also, more children are receiving earlier intervention with cochlear implants and reducing the number of deaf children across the board. As a result there really aren't many deaf schools left, and now if parents want to send their children to deaf school, they often have to send them several hours away which also makes it less of an attractive option. So, that job market is pretty limited and rapidly declining. Some states no longer have schools for the deaf at all. Audiology does now require a doctorial degree and it seems like a long time, but it's really not. My program is only 3 1/2 years, but the last year of that is working in a residency program and you can make anywhere from $0- $40,000 that year so you can be partially paid. You might also look at being a speech-language pathologist. Its a masters program and They work with children and sometimes they work specifically with cochlear implant kids and deaf kids who want to be oral. I would also look at physicians assistant- it's also a masters program with high demand and pay after graduation. Good luck!

Which book should I choose: The seer and the sword, The grimm legacy, crown duel or Wildwood dancing?

I really enjoyed the Seer and the Sword. It is a great love story, but also has more than that. Its funny and very well developed. I liked Crown Duel too, but there is a second one, so if you get Crown Duel, get part 2 along with it.

What are some good organizations for volunteering abroad?

I recently completed my doctoral studies in interfaith theology and am interested in moving to and volunteering in another country. I usually always hear about the peace corps but what are some other good organizations?

Red hair help needed!?

My natural hair color is a medium-dark auburn. Last summer, I bleached my hair, but ended up not liking it, so I dyed it light auburn and LOVED. As the dye started fading, I never dyed it back. Well, I ended up dying it a dark red color. I didn’t like it however, and I wanted to go back to the light auburn. I knew I had to bleach my hair because it was so dark, so that’s what I did. And then I dyed it the light auburn. It came out just like last summer. Well, unlike the last time, I re-dyed it light auburn when it started fading. Well, it didn’t come out. It’s 3 different colors now. My roots are still showing, there are so light auburn parts in my hair, but my hair is mostly a dark auburn color. I plan to bleach and dye it again in a few months. Does this mean that every time I go to re-dye my hair light auburn, I have to bleach it first? And what steps should I take to make sure my hair is okay?

Extreme issues at 16 involving college and parental units?

I had a similar problem at your age. Here's my advice. Don't ask permission, just do. Find a job. File for emancipation. You're going to have to go it alone.

Psychology career help! (:?

Psychologists do not go to medical school, psychiatrists do. Psychologists earn a doctoral degree from a university. To qualify for a dcotoral program they must successfully complete a master's degree first (usually in counseling field). Psychologists work in various mental health facilities. Some facilities they work in are a type of hospital (behavioral needs hospital). Psychiatrists are licensed to treat mental conditions AND prescribe medicine for those disorders. Psychologists cannot prescribe medication. Psychologists conduct various psycholoical tests and reveal findings. They also do counseling with clients.

Who will win the men's wimbledon, novak djokovic i think?

In my opinion it comes down to the top 3 ranked players. Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic & Roger Federer. Me personally I am going for Federer.

I am writing a story and i need help to complete it. This is the story:Jo and jack are friends;?

Come now. The ending's the best part of the book. You wouldn't want someone other than yourself to have the privilege of thinking it up, would you?

Becoming a paleontologist?

Currently, I'm an honours anthropology student, and I've always been fascinated by paleo since I was a child. Dinosaurs, the Permian mammal-like reptiles, and the woolies of the upper Cenozoic, those three broad groups always fascinated me. And of course, human evolution. I'm extremely fascinated by primate paleontology and behavioural ecology, subjects that I am enrolled in for this up-coming year. My original goal was to pursue paleoanthropological research for my Master's and Doctoral research after completing my undergraduate degree, but the more and more I study paleoanthropology, the more I want to study just paleontology in general. But making the jump from the social science faculty to the natural science faculty is not an easy thing to do, and its pretty much set up to be that way. I have been thinking about dropping down from honours specialization in anthropology to a major in biological anthropology, and taking on a major in geology as well. My institution offers a "Major in Earth and Planetary Sciences" which requires you to take an arsenal of core courses: plate tectonics, environments, and products; structural geology; crystallography and optics; stratigraphy and sedimentology; paleobiology and paleoecology; 11 day summer field course; a course on petrology, and then several electives. If I took a double major in biological anthropology and earth and planetary sciences, would I be eligible to apply to the geology department to take a M.Sc in geology? Ultimately, I will probably end up just doing primate paleontology, but I want a broad paleontology background, so that if I want to take up research on another taxonomic group I can do so. I don't like the fact that anthropology limits one to studying the primate/prosimian group.

How to bond with my new african grey? =(?

Transition takes time and lots of positive affection. If you can block out an hour of time twice a day, take the bird in to a very small room (bathroom, lighted closet, enclosed porch), sit on the floor, and let the bird walk around you and explore. Take the bird in it's cage into the room if you can, or a traveling cage, to facilitate taking the bird in and out of the room. Keep a couple of treats in your hand to to reward it, and talk quietly to it and scratch it's head and neck if it likes it. Take along a book to read, or play a silent handheld game, or knit if you get bored. It's all about close quiet time, your murmuring voice, a safe place to explore, and food treats. Two weeks should see a big change.

Do you think tolerance to alcohol can be a psychological thing as well as physical?

This happened to me and my friends. If you're still younger, you can tolerate large amount of alcohol in your body but as you grow older, a lesser amount of alcohol can make you dizzy.

Why isn't Northern Arizona University mentioned in the 2011 edition of US News?

US News is a private company which makes some very arbitrary decisions based on little or no factual evidence. They could not even make a profit selling weekly print editions of their magazine. They like to be thought of as the arbiter of higher education, but they are not. The data contained in their rankings is much more useful than the actual rankings. Most top university administrations consider the US News ranking system to be inaccuarate and harmful to higher education.

What would be the regular credentials of a person who has a doctoral degree in Ecology?

I'm doing a project for school and I need to make up fake credentials, one for the head of the project, and 2 for people who are doing this project to get their master's degree. (does this make sense?)

Big time rush worldwide...DID JO (KENDALL'S BOYFRIEND) quit?!?

I love big time rush I got there autograph for my birthday! I'm not sure I don't think she would quit. I think she might be in a different tv show or actually in a movie!!!

I want to be a doctor, however I slacked off in high school, do I still have a chance? I'm 18.?

I slacked off throughout high school. I've been on both sides of the fence, I was bullied freshman / sophomore year so I dropped out and attended an online high school. My junior and senior year, I did very stupid things to fit in. I started becoming involved with the "popular" crowd who drank and did drugs, which ultimately led me being the one who did the drugs and drank. I feel horrible for letting myself go down that road, but it happened, I can't change it. I fortunately did get accepted into a four year college, but I don't have the rigorous curriculum background that most students in pursuit of a doctoral degree do. I'm horrible at math, but I'm willing to work. I've finally discovered what I want to do with my life. What can I do to reach my goals, besides the obvious hard work.

Masters, Bachelor's and Doctoral Degrees? HELP!?

Hey! So, I want to be a lawyer, and ultimately a Judge. I'd like to specialize in child protection agencies and/or criminal cases. My guidance counselor said I should probably get a bachelors degree in political science/English/history/philosophy or anything else to do with the field I want to specialize in. I looked at all the courses for York University, and it has all those courses, but it says they are offered in graduate, undergraduate, masters and doctoral. It never said anything about Bachelors... So, is undergraduate like, the same thing as a bachelors or?? I'M SO CONFUSED!

I loved him? But I made a mistake? Now he ignores me?

I'm 13 & I know no one thinks you can love somebody when you're young but I did. I dated him for 2 years & I told him i loved him all the time & he said he loved me. He made me smile & he made me happy. Lets call him bill. There is another boy lets call him jo. Well jo is super popular & a year older. He liked me so i broke up with bill for him. It was stupid I know. I want to talk to bill but he wont text me or answer my calls. Its summer right now so no school. I don't know how to get him to answer me. No hate PLEASE! just support

Guest star on CSI:NY?

It's a winter episode and it's recent, I guess, since Sela Ward is on it. Anyway, the beginning of the episode is Jo and Mac shopping, seeing a pickpocket, and seeing the dead guy in the store window. In that episode, who plays Alena, the girl who got shot?

Need to drop a class... how do I swallow my pride? (Psychology major)?

Who cares if your the subject of gossip. If you're too busy and stressed out the answer is easy, drop the course. There's no shame in doing it, especially if you're not going to get a good grade. It really sounds like you are over thinking this wayyyy too much. Experimental psych is fun stuff, just wait until next semester and get the A.

Are Communists only good as long as you don't let them run your government?

There's a difference between the Libertarian Left and the Authoritarian Left. For us on the Libertarian Left, socialism is seen as an eventual and inevitable outcome of Western Democracy - though the Right and the Corporations are doing a pretty good job of suppressing this for as long as possible.

Whos better mexico or mexico?

Yesterday Mexico beat USA because they were the better team there is nothing embarrassing about it. (we do not have enough American soccer fans to call this our back yard anyways) Mexico could have had a bad day and lost just as easily as they won yesterday. Also i don not see how we suck big time when we put up two early goals against Mexico, no easy feat in any game. We were just too busy worrying about Chicharito to remember that Mexico has quite a bit of other good players that can score.

FMA Live Action movie?

If your asking if I think the movie should be made, NO!. But this will be much more interesting since FMA is more westerly. I'm pretty sure hollywood is good at medieval age european movies. They would have to stay true to the story for this to be a good franchise. Along with great writers and of course a fitting cast for the roles.

What is zBrush used for?

I understand that zBrush is a program commonly used by game designers and animators, but the reason for this eludes me. Unlike programs such as Maya and 3D StudioMax, models made in zBrush cannot be animated and it is mostly used for organic figures, so with that being said what do they usually use it for?

How Can I get admission in Post-Doctorate?

You're going to have to see if there are websites listing postdocs in your field; that's what they do in my field, but it's not business. Postdoc money isn't always available, so when it is people post ads for them, but you can't expect any one school to be constantly accepting applications. And postdocs in the US are far more common in the sciences, math, and engineering than they are in things like business.

Would you also be mad at your friend if?

okay so i had a party and so did another girl on the same day & my friend who dislikes her went to her party instead of mine & hes actually my friend unlike her. He also said he was gonna try to make it to mine also but by the time he could be picked up my party was ending. He said that its not like he wa trying to not make it to mine but im just mad at him for going to someones party who he dislikes instead of his friends. Would you be mad too? Thanks (:

JOL passenger restrictions?

I've never heard of a JOL, but If that means you have a learner's permit, then you absolutely can not do that. And if the parents gave their consent, they're total morons.

Can someone help me figure out if he's just playing me or not pleaseeeee!!!?

Take this as an opportunity to get to know him. Players do eventually grow up and settle (for the most part anyway). Start hanging out with him, texting him etc. Who knows maybe your flame with re-ignite.

Do You Think This Is a Good Idea For When I Finish High School ?

Art Institutes are not granting actual degrees. You'd have to go earn a bachelors degree in physics from a real college before you can apply for a graduate program in astronomy. The art job is just wasting your time, since the PhD in astronomy will take 8-12 years and then you'll need another 2-6 in postdocs before getting a real job (or leaving the field, because there are more people who want to work in the field than there are jobs for them).

Why don't people realize that they might as well try in school considering they have to go anyways?

Kids everywhere act like school is a waste of time and say that they don't learn anything all the time. They just don't seem to try unlike me and some other students. I realize I won't use half the stuff that I learn but I also realize that it would be a waste of my time to go to school 7 hours a day 10 months a year for 12 years and not spend that time at least paying attention. I notice that the ones that don't try are the ones who complain the most and don't know how to think for themselves. But I also realize that some of the ones who pay attention too much and sort of take it too seriously as if it is a matter of life and death.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is volunteering at a university hospital a good idea?

Will volunteering at a university hospital look good when i apply to college? because i have dreams of attending medical school then continuing my doctoral education from there.

Can a medical doctoral student make a c in a class and still pass that class pre med and once accepted?

just curious how strict it is. When they are premed can they make a C and then what about after they get accepted to a program ?

Is a Rolex an appropriate graduation gift?

You are the one who knows your wife and her tastes, so you will need to take that into consideration. I did not like the idea that it was used from the start. I looked at the link you provided and I was not impressed, but your wife might be. I would not want a watch. I would prefer a memorable experience, a short romantic cruise? A romantic dinner? A surprise party? I just think you could get a long more bang for your buck than with that watch. It is an awesome accomplishment, congratulations to her.

Could Poppy be a nickname for Josephine?

its a bit of a stretch but I really like it. If not, some other really interesting and unique alternatives? Not just Josie/JoJo/Jo/Fifi/Sephy etc...

Why were the original cast of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, so upset?

I read everywhere that Thuy Trang, Austin St. John, and Walter Jones were all upset with the hours and the poor pay. Also, Amy Jo Johnson complained of having to do all of their own stunts due to lack of stunt doubles (may have been for the movie). However, most of the footage in the TV series was taken directly from Japan's Super Sentai/Zyuranger. Scenes with the Zords, monsters, and fighting sequences have been taken from Japan's shows for the duration of most Power Rangers series. So what was really going on?

Christians:why do you say all paintings need a painter to try and prove your god?

not all paintings are done by the same person....and also painting dont replicate themselves unlike life..soo is this arguement against your god?

Joining the army, boyfriend isn't supportive but 'my choice is mine to make'?

When I went in at 17 I had a girl Friend that did not ant me to go but I had already decided. So I told her not ot wait for me cause I did not know if I would even come back alive or as the same person. The military changes you for me it was a good change and for most it's a good change. When you go in the likely hood of you staying with that guy is slim. The reason is because you will meet more men that are more exciting and more interesting and from different backgrounds than what you get at home. Your Bo wants to control your life and that is a red flag right there. When you marry you should marry because you love one another and want whats best for each other. If there is any question about where you are going in life 18 is not a age to make a commitment. Once you have been in the military you will find new goals because they get you to think much bigger than your small would you live in now. Once you go to other countries and train and learn the things you will learn will change you for the rest of your life. In fact so much so that he may not even be interested in you once you get out. But what happens if you decide to stay in and make a career of it? The decisions you are making affect you more than anyone else so make the choices for yourself. If he does not like it and won't wait to see what happens then he does not love you, he believes your his personal property and that to is no way to start a relationship. Some guys know what they want at a young age but most kids don't know what they want till they are in their late 20's so whatever you do do whats right for you the rest of your life will fall in place in time and don't worry about how he feels it's your life treat it as such till you are ready to settle down. You will be glad yo did. I can tell you I saw many men receive Dear john letters when I was in, in basic training 30% got them and later on after a year many more received them and a lot received divorce papers in the first year. Young people have a hard time abstain from partying and the after affects of partying like accidental sex after the parties so let it go do your thing this may be the only time in your life that you get to do what you want to do and not have to worry about some mane telling you what you can and can't do.

Is Pharmacy school considered graduate school?

Or is it considered undergraduate school? I know it awards the PharmD, but since that is a "doctoral" degree, is that considered equivalent of graduate school? Like equivalent of PhD? Or equivalent of masters?

Would this be considered an abusive relationship? It's a little long but I don't know what to do anymore?

My boyfriend and I have been together a little over two years. In the beginning I was extremely happy with things. I loved the fact that he showered me with attention and cared about everything that was going on in my life, which was unlike any guy I have ever been with before. But there weren't and wasn't always the good times. He would party without me and have random girls at him and his friends house. He promised nothing went on, but the doubt consumed me. I got over that for a while but it seems like for the past 6 months or so things have gone downhill. I am moving for school and he has been freaked out by it. He keeps saying if I ever leave him or cheat on him that he'll kill himself. When he says this he claims he's "joking" but it tears me up inside. He always has to dominate the conversation if we're with anyone. He constantly grabs on me in, what I feel, are inappropriate ways in public and it's embarrassing. When I get mad about it he says that he isn't doing anything wrong and that I used to like it when he "showed his affection." He always questions me when I hang out with my friends. If we go somewhere where there are a bunch of guys, like a bar for example, he will literally hang all over me and grab my hand and not speak the whole time because he doesn't like being around guys that might look at me. I also caught him in an obvious lie (the history on his computer) and he denied it and told me that basically I was crazy and that I never believed him but then half an hour later he admitted he lied. We work at the same place (which was how we met) and caught him flirting with a bunch of girls. When I confronted him about it he screamed in my face and made me feel like a dog. I'm just lost. I don't want to hurt him but I can't take this clinginess anymore. I used to be such a strong, independent girl before him but lately it seems like I'm slipping into the background. I've wanted to break up for a while but I'm afraid if I do he will hurt or kill himself and I can't have that on my conscience because I do care about him and his family. Please help, any advice at all please.

I sometimes feel like shooting myself in the head?

Whenever I get happy, it doesn't last long, and I become sad again. I realize that whilst some things are going my way, most aren't. I just feel like finishing everything; maybe I'll wake up and the sad happenings were all dreams. But, I cannot do it as I always, unlike most people, think about the consequences; death or humiliation. What if I don't die and every finds out how I feel? What if it was a pointless waste of life?

Should I get a second kitten?

I rescued a little kitten and have absolutely fallen in love with him! I am not a cat person at all but now I definitely am. I've found that he's even way cheaper than my dog (Giant Schnauzer) on vet bills, food, etc. He is so full of energy like most kittens, I'm sure! He's only 5-6 weeks (he was abandoned) and is a crazy little guy. He's constantly playing and having a good time and has even warmed up to my dog. I am a student, however, and I will be gone in the fall for most of the day and unlike my dog, I can't send him to daycare during the day . Also, when I'm doing work he loves to climb all over me and walk all over my laptop and even sometimes accidentally turn it off. So I was wanting to know if it would be a good idea to adopt him a new playmate? Would they get along? Should I get a boy or a girl (I plan on getting them fixed)? Or do kittens prefer being the only cat? I have never owned a kitten before and I am much more experienced with dogs so any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Im getting a psyd in clinical child adolescent family and im wondering if..........???? ?

I would need a doctoral degree or bacholar degree? I wanna work as a child adolescent and family psychologist... I wanna work in a clinic or hospital setting.. Im more interested in being a practioner and doing training then research... Which degree is best for the kind of field in psychology i want??? And also which concentration should i go for?

Interview at Justice, should I wear this?

Try wearing that tank top with some denim shorts. That would look nice, cute, comfy, and simple. I tried trying out for a job there, but I couldn't because I was too young (I'm 13). :(

Is it better for a girl to hate you or not feel anything?

While this surely seems like a 'duh' question think about it. Is it better for a girl to hate you (in which she feels something, so you have something to start with, even if it IS hate), or is it better for her to be apathetic towards you (feels nothing towards you and is completely indifferent towards you and doesn't care one way or another)? At least with hate you have a situation where she 'cares' enough to hate you, unlike the girl who has nothing. I look forward to answers from the guys, but I'm also very interested from input from the ladies. Thanks for the consideration. =)

Should You get distinctions in order to study in top universities in the US?

Should you get distinctions in your Masters in order to get into universities like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Columbia, MIT, Berkeley, Caltech and so on for doing Doctoral degree. I received my bachelors degree with distinction but received my masters degree only with merit but not distinction. I did my masters at University of Edinburgh, UK. I took all hard courses and was unable to get very high scores. The ranking score there is that if you get between 60% and 69% you pass with merit and above 70% you pass with distinction. Only about 3-4 students in my course got above 70 and the first mark was 72%. Although all courses are electives and some courses are harder than the other.

What courses would help me be a clinical phychologist in university?

Truly? An A student? with that spelling?? Well, get into an undergrad university first & talk to the adviser there.

I'm an orphan, is this gay?

suppose you're a 22 year old orphan and you use aging software to get a pic of yourself as you would look at age 50 and then you make that pic into a mask. then you wear the mask while JOing in front of a mirror so you can pretend that you're watching the dad you never knew JO. is that gay?

What is the greatest civilization of our time?

Western. Think of everything in the world since the year 1500. Since then Western civilization has given us 90% of all technology we have now

Have small bumps on my fingers not sure what they are help?

Alright i have these small bumps that are on the top of my fingers all my fingers on my left hand except my pinky well there right below my fingernails i am not sure wat they are but there like flesh color and then on both of my thumbs like the inside i guess like where the palm of my hand is my thumbs have these bumps on them too but you cant see them you can only feel them unlike on the top of my fingers i dont know wat they are they dont really hurt but they do kinda itch does anyone know wat they are???

Should I pursue a Ph.D. in engineering?

It sounds like you have answered the question yourself. I have been working full time in industry for 40 years with just a BSEE. I personally know a non-degreed engineer who is in charge of 4 PH-D's and he treats them like children. Go with your heart.

I need 10,000 words for my doctoral thesis?

I am writing about Wilhelm II's inferiority complex and how that impacted his relations with his grandmother and cousins, Nicky and George. Please give full citations accurately and proof read carefully as Yahoo spell checker is not good with foreign words.

Am I Qualified to Apply for a Doctoral program?

Sure; most don't require any experience teaching at all. What most of them want are high grades and research experience.

What would be a ball park repair bill for CV joints replacement ?

Shop around and you might be able to get it done for under $100 per side. I had it done on a 1998 Taurus for $89 per side including parts. That was at a shop that only did cv joints and steering boxes. However, when I first checked around, I had quotes as high as $500 for both sides at full service garages. I checked Autozone and your parts are $47 each.

Have a gym photoshoot in a little over a week, any last tips on how to look really cut?

Hey guys, I'm starting to fitness model this summer and I have a photo shoot on the 9th at a gym. My training and dieting has been unlike anything I've done in the past. I've been weight lifting 6-7 times a week, I train my core 3-2 times a week, do Yoga and Pilates at least once a week, and I do cardio 1-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes. For my diet I've been following the Paleo diet (which has been awesome, I highly recommend it especially for bodybuilders looking get lean), I recently have only been cheating enough where it only makes up about 5% worth of a weeks total caloric intake, I count all of my calories, weigh my food, And i haven't been going out to eat. Even after all of that though I still don't have the definition I want, particularly with my abs. Any suggestions with what I could in my training or dieting with how much time I have left?? Any suggestions would be great and really appreciated thanks!!

Can you get a degree in psychology in London and use it in the US?

Can you move to the UK, get a doctoral degree in psychology, move back to the US and be a psychologist?

What psychological disorder would you say this individual has?

Im not much of a people person. I dont think that i wanna get married either. i like my independence. But who knows, right? your just socially different from the crowd which is fine cuz u dont need to be all out there and all.

List of Science careers that only Requires a "Bachelors degree"?

Everytime i try to look for a science career, its always PHD, Masters, Doctoral. i'm not trying to stay in school for that long. Can you give me a list of science careers that only requires a bachelors...thanks : )

Do you think this is an accurate theory on people of "Superior intelligence"?

It pretty much demonstrates the lack of intelligence thereof. The cognitive dichotomy you're attributing to intelligence is really the apex of the human ego to fulfill it's isolated existence in a intelligent world and universe. I could go on and on but I will suffice to say this: intelligence is akin to the spiders web.

How do I tell my parents I don't want kids?

Don't have any. It's not like your parents can FORCE you to have children. You've already told them that you don't want children so now follow through.

How come WWE Fans respect and love The Rock more than John Cena?

there isnt more rock fans then cena just look at facebook pages cena 3 times more fans. the reason it looks like more rock fans the reason for that is the poeple who like the rock are very old grumpy ppl who go to the events with there dirty old tshirts

I made a mistake and now I am dating the best friend of the person I really like. Help!?

My ex girlfriend broke up with me a couple of months ago and sense then there's a girl who has completely been open about liking me. But after spending time with this girl I realized that I wasn't over my ex. In the mean time I begin to develop feelings for her best friend who is a guy. I started to date him because unlike the girl, he distracted me from my ex and I was able to feel like I could move on. But it wasn't long before I began to think and get upset about my ex again. And even worse.. I am not even sure if I am attracted to the guy. Sense I can't get over my ex regardless of who I'm dating I kind of want to be with the girl because I'm attracted to her at least. I don't know what to do.. Help!

Please comment/rate these girl names?

I give Catilina a 3. I don't like that name, personally. I think that Kaylee is a sweet, adorable name. Rate: 10. I think that the middle name "Lynn" would go nicely with Kaylee. I give Xiomara a 5. It's unique and different, yet it makes me think of a Chinese or Japanese girl. I personally think it'd be a bit odd if a Native-American, Caucasian, or member of any other race was named that. I give Selena a 7. It's cute, but common. I give Rihanna a 10. It's not common and is a pretty name. I rate Roxanne a 6. I think it sounds edgy. Kylee is a 10. It's adorable. I give Wendy Rose a 2. I like the middle name, but Wendy sounds old fashioned to me. Demi Lynn (I mentioned that middle name earlier! Lol). Is a 10. It's different and sounds nice. I don't like Mishella much. I rate it a 3. It's unique, but I don't like the way it sounds much. Alina is pretty ordinary in my opinion. I give it a 5. Okay, sorry, but I don't feel like doing the rest.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is called in English when a doctoral student receives a leave of absence?

As a doctoral student who hasn't received his degree I'v decided to go on a research trip to a foreign country. Under what title I will be doing this research ? (I'm looking for a synonym for "Sabbatical". As far as I know, the word "sabbatical" is only used for professors not doctoral students)

Guinea pig ate a little bit of felt?

I recently got a guinea pig and I made him a tunnel from felt that so he could use it until I got a real tunnel. I found out that he chewed off a part. Its not a lot but I'm so worried. He does seem to eat a lot less than before. I gave him some pellets in the morning and he didn't eat it all until about 3am which is very unlike him. The size of the felt he chewed off is a little bit smaller than an eraser. Do I have to take him to the vet? Is he going to be ok?

Do you find it odd when Christians use the story of Tomas to explain why you should believe?

I do find it odd seeing as Thomas would be a bad example. He knew Jesus personally and saw his miracles yet didn't believe. A lot of people out there would be like Thomas, even many Christians, if they were hanging with Thomas.

Last year of my doctoral degree and still virgin?

Well I would say that not to get in a very serious relationship so you can focus on your studies but you can also learn how dating works. Do you get what I mean? Well if you don't I mean that as you haven't dated you probably don't want the dati thing to get serious or you might get hurt. Hope tho helped but thia is just an idea what really matters is what is most important to you. :D

Nuclear physicist college fees?

hi im doing a project on nuclear science and i need to know the cost for a doctoral degree for a nuclear physicist's college fee. thx

What do you think of these baby names?

I like your boys names and their references alot! I dont, however, truley understand the point of the whole "this was my great grandmas name, its his older brothers name, my mothers name" thing. I think its nice if thats what YOU really want but if your doing it for someone else, its just weird! do what YOU want while nameing your babies! I do like Sarah Grace! Dont like Joanna and dont like Elise!!

This is embarrassing.My penis don't get erect. I am worried. I am unable to do it often?

It has to do with blood flow to the penis... I think if you cut back on caffeine and less foreplay it will work fine...

Should Christians be concerned that it's been 40 minutes since a question has been asked...?

Trust me, I was on there earlier today and it was one after the other about that subject. They're probably just settling down for the night and will attack tomorrow.

Can someone who is currently a psychiatrist help me with picking majors and what classes to take?

You can major in ANYTHING as long as you take the premed classes. Psychology is fine, but not required. When you enroll in a college, you'll meet with an academic adviser who can tell you specifically which classes satisfy the premed requirements - every school offers them. You'll be earning an MD (medical degree) from med school after college, not a doctoral degree (PhD) which requires grad school instead.

What colleges in Texas has a medical program?

I'm am beginning to look at colleges, and I am wanting to go to become an anesthesiologist which requires a doctoral degree. I was wondering if there are any colleges in a bigger city type area that has a college I can acquire this at? A list would be greatly appreciated! :)

TEXAS has now offically become a Minority Majority State. What implications does this have for the GOP?

Very little, since most of the hispanics in Texas are illegal and cannot vote, unless they are assisted by Democrats and Acorn.

How many universities offer associate, bachelor, master and doctoral degrees at the same time?

2-year colleges offer associates degrees. 4-year colleges and universities offer bachelors degrees. Universities also offer masters and PhDs. Very few universities offer associates degrees; UCLA used to, they might still. But you won't do your masters and PhD at the same school at which you do your bachelors, and an associates is not required.

How long does a doctoral degree take?

I'm 20, in college, going for an advanced diploma... I was just wondering how long it would take usually?

County funded post doc positions in clinical psychology?

First check the main state website, try to find any phone number connected with the program. Or, check county by country, with maybe Orange county being most accessible. Definitely, ask at the uiniversity at where you are completing our doctoral degree, like your advisors. Surely, by now, you have developed the moxie to ask or plead to get your practicum experience. So, this should be child's play. As I am no longer in CA, and my only contact is not connected to UCLA any longer, but a private psychologist, I can't provide a name. Do your networking, check the internet, call the universities, call the county offices, and you will find some contact. All you need is one to crack the code.

Do you think my mom cheated on my dad?

I am half white, half black. except I do not look black. my mother, I think she may have cheated on my father but I am 16 and I always bring it up (and when they get mad I say I am merely joking) anyways, yeah, I look full white. long thick dark brown hair, fair complexion, freckles, blue eyes, thin nose. (unlike that of my father's lmao he has a huge nose). Do you think my mom cheated on my dad? or could it be possible that I am half black? My sisters say that like african american women I do have a high butt? like where it is placed on my body... I'm thin like my mother used to be but I have a big butt ! that is probably the only black in me lol.

SRCC college's cut-off goes 100%..! wat the hell is this?! ?

Hum jese bacho ka kyaaa 100 to kya 70% bhi cheating kar kar k laate hai...hey bhagwaaaan uthaaaale.. SRCC ko ;)

Am I weird? Would girls like me?

I am a 13-year-old boy and I unlike everyone I prefer cats over dogs and instead of kittens, I like grown up cats more. Don't get me wrong puppies and kittens are cute, but I prefer grown dogs and cats, am I weird? Would girls like me?

I accidentally sent my crushes friend naked pics..? WHAT DO I DO?

Are you sure he didn't just tell you he deleted them? It's really dangerous to send nude pictures of yourself and it's also illegal if you're under 18. It's child pornography. Learn your lesson from this. I wouldn't confront him about it; use your anonymity in your photos to your advantage. Be sure to double check with yoru crush though.

How to relieve this terrible neck pain?

This has happened to me many of times and many of people as well, as it is a normal thing for this, please take a hot shower, long one as that, or soak in the bath tube, then rotate your neck like in circles all the way back no matter how bad it hearts it hearts because you are stretching the muscles, then keep do this give your self a meesadge, rube your neck, if you have an messadge thing for like a back or some thing use it onn your neck and do not just put it on one side of the neck all over the neck so the ache does not work itself on the other side on manny cases this happens and no one can figure out why it does happen!, Then keep repeating this over and over every mourning and night the hot bath or shower losings the muscles so you can get to the muscle more envisioned so it nice and loose when you message it, then if its hurting on the 3rd day take a cool shower then do what i asked you to do and keep doing this, then start taking like a ibuprofen then you should be okay make sure you have you neck fully on the pillow next ed time so when your sleeping your neck is not getting strangled during them 10hours of just laying there! Thanks!

How to unlike something in the "other" section of activities and interests?

Something I clicked on automatically put it in my likes without my permission. I wanna get it off but idk how. Help?

Do you think horse whips should be banned?

I read a similar article about banning whips in racing. One of the major points was that you aren't allowed to use a whip until a certain point in the race, by which time the horse is already going flat our and getting tired. No matter how much you whip them, they just can't go any faster. The arguement made in my article was that there simply is no point in whipping an animal that just can't go any faster. I think that whips shouldn't be used in racing. I do think that whips and crops should be used in other discipline though! Often times you don't even need to use it but carrying a whip makes a huge difference to some horses.

Aisa kya hai jo patni apne pati ko jeevan mein kewal ek baar dikhati hai aur gharwalon ko roj dikhati hai?

hiiii...i am bhavin patel a student of MCA so i dot't have this type of power to think a social question...but today my friend askd me a question and i gave him challenge so pls help me.... pls mail me your answer on otherwise msg me on +919558418035.

Is it hard for a foreign school graduate to get in the University of California SanFo School of Medicine?

I'm just a new immigrant here at the US since 2009. I graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the Philippines recently. And now, I'm planning to take Doctor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco. Im really clueless about the steps that I need to take for me to study in this school. I badly want to pursue my doctoral career. I read in the different threads and discussions about SAT etc, Can anyone help me or give me helpful infos? I hope I qualify in this school. In fact, I did great in my BSN years. I graduated with flying colors. Thanks :)

How should I address my boyfriends parents?

So when I first met them, they both introduced themselves by their first names. Now, however, I don't know how to address them. His father I know I should just call with a Mr. suffix, but his mother holds multiple doctoral degrees. So, what is apropriate? Should I call her Mrs. or Dr.?

I have a regular 30 days cycle last period is last jun 3, i took Gonal-F injection for fertilzation,?

I have a regular 30 days cycle last period is last jun 3, i took Gonal-F injection for fertilzation,between jun 4-15,we got intercourse jun 15-19 straight, then i got a very light spotting last jun 22 & 23, and a bleeding jun 24-26 but not that heavy and my abdomen is not aching unlike period and and this is not normal to me..Is it a menstruation?or implantation bleeding?i got also it possible that i am pregnant?and can i take now urine pregnancy test?

What does post-doctoral dental training for pediatric dentistry involve?

i'm want to go to dental school and i'm interested in pediatric dentistry... i know the process in becoming so, but the post-doctoral dental training, what exactly does it consist of? is it classroom lectures, or is it just working under a pediatric dentist, or both? any other details would be appreciated. thanks!

How many here think Blago will go to a Club Fed?

My guess is that he will do a short stay in a minimum security prison that is little worse than a Holiday Inn unlike us who would do serious time in a maximum security prison .

What "filler" middle names are you likely to use?

My middle name is Elizabeth which is a "filler" middle name, my moms middle name is Louise which is another "filler" middle name. My sisters middle name is Nicole and as you can probably guess thats a "filler" middle name as well. My grandmas middle is is Jane and thats one also. So as you can see its quite a popular thing to do to just use filler middle names in my family. We also have a couple Lynns, Lees, Ruths and Paiges. I plan on using Mae, Rae and Kate for middle names if I have three girls. I love these names and although they are deemed "filler" middle names, I cant help but to use them. They are just to cute. :)

What is a girl to do?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for about three years. Our relationship started out rocky due to the both of us having unresolved relationships with our ex's. Unfortunately there was lots of back and forth with the ex's especially on his end. These incidences put lots of stress on our now existing relationship. Last summer we moved in together, where I found out he was STILL talking with his ex! This started one of the biggest fights we had ever gotten into. He took off to Texas for work the next day and left me in Maine. We tried keeping the relationship going, but it got to the point that he was ignoring my calls all day until he was in bed getting ready to go to sleep, we were fighting still, and he would break up with me every other week. While this was going on a guy at work asked me for my number to take me out sometime. I accepted and gave him my number. We ended up sleeping together, but nothing more. We never dated, we never were exclusive, I really only liked him because he cared about what I said and was sensitive to my issues (unlike Mr."Boyfriend" in Texas). Well my boyfriend came back from Texas found out about the guy at work and started hanging out with him ex (AGAIN!) Eventually we started dating again but it was rough. When I say rough, that is a complete understatement! Fights we had before seemed like love and we got to the point of shoving. Everyday I was crying harder then I've ever cried in my entire life. Our fights exhausted me because I had worked so hard to make it work with him and to know that three years later all of it literally meant nothing. We decided to move out of state together (for his work), thinking that location would be the key to making us work. Unfortunately things don't work that easy. We still fight, I still cry, he still doesn't give me respect or listen. He is very involved in himself, ignores me even when we are getting along. I feel as though he just doesn't care anymore for the most part. Every once in a while we have a good day, and it's these days that keep me holding on to hope through out the other days. I can't seem to let him go. The thought of him moving on, being with another girl, me going back home thinking about him, all the memories, and things we've done together, all the work, time , emotions, and love I've put into us. I just can't handle the thought of leaving him. If anyone has any insight on what I should do. How to get him to listen, or care again? How to deal with our horrible past? How to be numb to his out burst? How to not feel so sad and hopeless? Please somebody! Help!

What would you think of a Nancy Pelosi/Andrew Cuomo presidential ticket for 2016?

We already have the votes of New York and CAlifornia locked in the bag. so the geographics is not a good fit for winning states we need.

How do I hide a very large dildo?

I'm planing to buy a very very large dildo soon and unlike my other dildos it will be very hard to find. I was just wondering where i could hide or what i could get to hide it in?

Heat reaching the earth?

how does heat from the sun reach the earth? heat needs a medium to travel through, unlike electromagnetic waves. i understand that there are some atoms floating around between here and the sun, but there couldn't be enough to transfer the heat across the 93 million miles between us and the sun

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Am I reading too much into this? Was he just being friendly?

A few months ago I added a guy on facebook I've never actually met but we've got a few mutual friends and he lives 20 minutes away. We're both 17 and I thought he was cute cus unlike most other guys, he isn't into partying, drinking, etc. I messaged him a day later and we were talking over facebook inbox/message asking questions about each other for a while, then suddenly he stopped replying (probably cus I didn't ask any question but it definitely wasn't a conversation closer). He did, however, suddenly say "you're really pretty btw just putting that out there :)" in one of his messages. It was his birthday 3 weeks ago and I wished him and he said "thanks pretty woman :)" and I was the only one he said that to and I denied it and he said "oh don't be so modest will you!" and then later he liked one of my photos (it wasn't even a new profile picture, I had it even before I added him). He hasn't contacted/messaged me since… He never goes on facebook chat and I know he's been online cus he updates his status, etc. I've been told that he doesn't normally "flirt" (even harmlessly) with girls and isn't the type who just calls someone 'pretty' without having any interest towards them. Was he just being nice and friendly though? I really wanna meet him but he hasn't initiated any conversation with me… Will he ever? What should I do? I don't wanna initiate another conversation cus I've already added him and messaged him first... :S

How much schooling is needed to become a child psychologist?

I have a bachelors degree in Elementary Education, but have changed my mind and would like to become a child psychologist. I've read that I will need a doctoral degree. Does anyone know if I can build off my education degree or do I need to start from scratch?

Help.! Fashion disaster!?

Ok so i just turned 13 and this saturday is my yr 8 disco!! I yotally forgot about this so i spent heaps of my savings on bikinis and shoes but no dresses! I have now only got $28 and i have seriously tried sll the shops in town but theyre all so ugly! So im choosing to buy online. It needs to be able to ship to WA unlike stupid american shops like forever21 and so on. Dont get me wrong i seriously love forever21 fashions but it doesnt ship to WA soo yerr. They need to be cheap- $20 cheap and pretty but not to skanky. I would appreciate any ideas as long as it ships to WA!! :) plz help!!!

Is climate change really panic mongering or mass stupidity not able to recognize the truth of GW?

It would belittle the word "rant" to report this as such, and I am hoping someone will enlighten me as to where the Non Earth Humans are, and how many political leaders they choose on the basis of being able to kill a moose despite possibly having a less thick skull.

Biological clock? Why do I want to have a husband?

I am wondering how long you've known english, because ive heard it's the hardest language to learn as a second language...

Why do people get their PhD in science/biology?

This is in no way meant as an attack. I have my master's and would love to have a PhD, but I'm just not sold on the idea and I don't see how anyone would be. As a master's in biology, I can make about $70-90k/yr right out of the gate. Here's what happens if you go the PhD route: schooling for 6-8 years making ~$30k/yr working 40-80hrs/week; get out of school only to struggle to find a post-doctoral fellowship which is a task itself these days (make ~$40-60k/yr). After 4 years of post-doccin' (many people have to do 2 post docs), u may get lucky to get a $60-140k/yr (depending on the industry) or you may not. Nothings seems to be guaranteed with the PhD. The typical argument is "yea, well with a PhD I get to be my own boss and do the research I want to do!" Do you though? I mean, no matter where you go you still have a boss, and realistically, the research you can do is limited to what the people giving you grants say you can do. I love research as much as the next guy, but c'mon where's the incentive?!

Most Public School Teachers have five years plus of college. You think they should work for free?

A lot of people are working without pension and worse to non-existent health insurance in the private sector, GOP's thinking is, why should you get any better.

Is this a good idea for a romance novel?

It seems good, but if you went the wrong direction with how the plot falls together it could become a bit cliche.

Graduate school -- what does this mean if anything?

It's not random: if they got your name from the GRE, then you obviously meet their score requirements. However, that doesn't mean they've taken a significant interest in you or that you're guaranteed to get in if you apply. Investigate them further, and if you're interested, start asking them questions so that you can build an actual relationship.

Are these three reasons good enough to want Obama defeated?

I must admit I never noticed the color of his lips. I did notice the last time he tried to answer a question without a teleprompter and I heard uh, uh, uh, uh about 21 times. He is so articulate and such a great speaker I can't help but vote for him even if his lips are purple.

I like this guy but he has a girlfriend (sort of)?

Okay, this probably sounds very complicated because it is. I have a boyfriend but I planned on dumping him soon, mostly because I'm very unhappy but also because I kind of like this friend of mine. Sadly, he has a girlfriend (well, they're not really dating but they've both liked each other for awhile and it's easier to say girlfriend, haha) that's been on vacation for a week. I feel bad for him, she told him he can't be so clingy and whenever he texts her, she never returns texts back. He even told me that she thought about going back to her ex-boyfriend! I mean, I thought it could be possible he was at least somewhat interested in me. I was really upset today and he randomly texts me with "Aaaah!" (haha XD) and I at first wanted to tell him I was upset but decided to keep it to myself. I asked him why he was in such a good mood and he said "I'm talking to you :)" it was so sweet. We sometimes text each other with "Hai babeh ;o" and it's kind of flirty but I don't know. I love how he always talks to me first and I feel like I can tell him anything... I don't feel like I'm bothering him if I text him, unlike my boyfriend. What should I do? This week I've been sort of... backing off of him, then going back, then off... a never-ending cycle. Help?

Does a Master or Doctoral disseration decide what my specialty is? My cousin says he has a ph.d in?

...Modern Chinese History, but I thought history ph.d and poli sci ph.d.s were just general PhD (ie ph.d. in history) and the dissertation chose) but he says he went to a college to actually get awarded a Ph>D. with the title "Modern Chinese History" on the degree? How does this work? What about specializing in economics of a particular country?

What is a ph post doctoral?

A PhD or doctorate is the degree you'd receive for writing and successfully defending your dissertation. A postdoctoral position is a temporary (1-5 year) research job many PhDs get between finishing the PhD and earning a permanent position.

Should I buy a new phone?

I was thinking of getting the HTC Inspire 4G, but is it worth the added cost with the required data plan. Currently, I have an iPhone 2G that is jail broken, and I'm thankful for having it. I can do anything that I would need to. I can check the internet, do e-mails, read my documents, and even take notes on it. There are apps I can play, and it's always been reliable for me. But should I make the switch for the HTC Inspire 4G. The only advantages I could of think are that I'll get an 8 mega pixel camera, HD video, faster processor with Snap Dragon, and have a more variety of apps to access to unlike my iPhone 2G with my low level firmware, 3.0. Should I just stick with trust worthy iPhone 2G or make the switch to new HTC 4G for just a couple of more features and a require data plan?

I am a Union Teacher in LA. How come YOU tell me our avg. sal. is $75,000 but my contract says...?

I didn't because I sure as heck don't know how much you make, but based on your other question I know reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. If you can make $75,000 a year teaching you're in a pretty good area though, teachers in my state can't ever make more than $61,000 a year without some good bonuses for being nationally certified and other such stuff. I know teachers don't average $75,000 a year.

Possible Overdose... WHAT CAN I DO?

I moved with my bf and his son. also my bfs mom. well with all of the stress lately i think my new mom possiblely overdosed. She just fell asleep lastnight and seemed fine. she was breathing and acting ok. She woke up early this morning and spent over 3 hours in the bathroom puking, she pooped all over herself and was just laying on the floor of the bathroom. We moved to a new hotel and she is still completely out of it. Keeps falling asleep. dizzy, puking, doesnt know where she is or what she is doing. she took the dog out to pee and she shut her eyes and dropped the leash for the dog... which is very unlike her. Going to the hospital isnt an option right now. will this pass or will this continue up? PLEASE HELP US OUT....

Which is the best fire sign saggitarius aries or leos?

Well, since i'm a Leo, of course i'm going to say "Leo". It's easy to misjudge me, as a Leo. I always think before I act, and I dont make certain people become my friends. If a friend makes one mistake, they're usually out of my friendship circle. And my circle is very small...

Which will get me a better job: Dr.OT from a college ranked #65 for OT, or MOT at a college ranked #1 for it?

I'm trying to decide which college to go to. One of my colleges offers a doctoral program of six years, but it's ranked number 65 for my major. The other college offers only a master's program of five years, but it's ranked number 1 for my major. Which will get me a better job in the future?

Why doesn't anyone have any respect for the Palestinians?

I agree with everything you said. The facts are on your side, no matter who wants to deny it or why.

Naruto- why is zetsu so strange?

what is his purpose for joining akatsuki and why is he so loyal to madara. Zetsu is always cheerful unlike most of the members.

Need help finding an old online game i used to play?

2 years ago i found a online multiplayer game... It was like a game where you could point and click sorta like racing live for the itouch except its on the computer and its just living in society. You find a jo and you can run for president of the entire game or something. It was pretty cool, you had to have enough money to buy food to live. Thats all i remember about this game. Oh and when i was on it, the background color of the webpage was always white if that helps at all.

Attending Doctoral Dissertation Oral Defense?

It really depends on the school. At my university, defenses were public, and mine had very good attendance among students (even some undergrads). But some schools make them private. It's a good idea to ask a grad student; most of them should know if you can go or not. No, participation isn't expected; you can ask questions if you're confused, but usually it's a good idea not to - unless it's a very simple question, defenses are extremely high-stress situations, and you don't want to trip up the defending student with something they might not remember or didn't spend much time researching and were hoping no one would ask about. There's no special attire in the US (in Europe, it can be very formal, academic robes and all). Usually what happens is that the student will give an overview talk of their research and professors will ask questions, often related to the subject but not necessarily. It can last a few hours, so don't go if you have to leave early.

Experinced sensi only plz iv asked before but want to get more advive from good sources?

my family uses a style that the closest way i can explian it is a mix of bjj, muay thi, krav maga, shoalin pressure point, and force recon, navy seals it involps all forms of combat clinch standing and grund and all weapons and how to use your saroundings as a lethal weapon it brings up your awarness it has been passed down since mid eival times so i mean all forms of combat asnd it has defeated world renowned styles in real street fights iv taught seven students all worked at very well and unlike most styles that are for a wide varity of ppl we get to know how your body fights naturlly before we teach you so its easyest for you to learn and use successfully i want to get my familys style out and start teaching it publicly how should i do this anyadvice helps if what you have to say won't help or is negitve towards my goal dont say it thanks

How do you become a Physical Therapist?

Hello i have been doing research on this question for dayss and i am left with confusion and questions. From what i have absorbed it seems i have to go to college take biology chemistry and physics classes, then get a doctoral degree in physical therapy (somehow??) and then go to a physical therapy school. which seems pretty wrong. Can anyone explain to me a simple step by step process on how to do this. I am interesting in the sports medicine field. Thanks!

Monday, July 18, 2011

How long will it be before the americans start rioting & looting like the people of greece?

your immoral government has cheated the american people for years. americans are wimps unlike the people of greece who are tired of their corrupt government making them pay for their mistakes.

How about Give me an example of A Topic ? :))?

Because we Really don't know what Topic should we choose. We want to have a different system, unlike those who choose the Inventory system, Library System, etc. . Thank you so much :))

Is 32 too old to be living at home given my poor finances?

Your parents come first I think, this is obvious. You should do what you can to make sure they are taken care of while pursuing your doctorate degree. I believe you should work towards your dream no matter what, and no matter your situation you should not give up that doctorate if it is truly what you want. Co-habitation with him might be helpful for a time, but if it seems like his dreams are more important than yours and he has treated his family poorly in the scope of his goals it might not be a good idea to get involved. I am just saying this objectively. If you are saving for your doctorate you should make it your utmost priority to complete it, don't let anything get in the way at this point. You are 32. The sooner you obtain your doctorate, the better equipped you will be to help out your family and be on your own doing what you enjoy.

Unlocking Samsung galaxy s (sprint)?

I have a samsung epic 4G for sprint. I was wondering even tho it doesn't have a aim card is there a way I could unlike it and use it on at&t or t-mobile's networks?

If I do mechanical engineering, can I do master or phd in petroleum engineering after?


Is it possible to watch dissertation defenses?

While they are open to the public, that usually means other professors and a few graduate students. They often don't even bother announcing them to the entire department, much less the general public. You'd have to contact departments and ask when they will be held in order to attend. It's very likely that no one will appreciate having someone in the room who doesn't have a college background in the subject; if you do go, don't ask questions. They are often on a time limit, and it's not their job to explain basics.

POTTERMORE Sorting Hat! (Scared??)?

I'm really nervous, but in a good way. It will be fantastic to know what house I would be in if I really went to Hogwarts. It's something I've wondered since I first read Harry Potter 8 years ago. I hope to be in ravenclaw, but any house would be fine. I don't really want to be a Gryffindor though, because Jo said the other houses would have a bit more new material than what is in the books. I can't wait for Pottermore to be ready, I'm so exited.

Why is obtaining multiple doctoral degrees advised against?

I always hear justifications from people I know from universities saying "it takes too much work" or "you wont have a life." However, for me, learning mathematics and physics is my life. If it were not for practical financial matters, I would go for three PhD's if I could. I love knowledge and learning, it is the greatest treasure in my life. But, does anyone know anybody that has two PhD's? That is what I want to do

Would you say people think im odd for being like this?

You sound normal, maybe a little more antisocial then others but normal. I'm fairly the same way and nooo not all guys want a normal girl. Lol I'm literally insane, and my bf is alright with it, he sorta likes it. Everyone likes something different and i'm sure someone will like you for who you are. Maybe just try and open up a little bit to know people and increase our chances of fulfilling that dream of a family and etc. It's not easy I know. I hate talking to random people, but if you don't you'll be waiting a looong time for someone to walk up out of the blue. <:\ But! It will be worth it once you do take a step forward! :D Best of luck to you!

What do you think of a 26 year old who still lives at home?

I think it's a smart move on your part. Save your money and finish your education. I work with a few young guys and some don't save and are living payday to payday. Others bank every dime and are building or saving for homes and they are single and living with mom and dad. As long as your parents are comfortable with it...way to go!!!!

If True Christians keep 1Tim. 6:8 in mind should this keep you & me out of debt or winding up in bankruptcy?

Also the scripture 1 Jo. 2:16 if we apply and take the scriptures to heart! Or are the scriptures inconvenient for the world of today? Or do People in the world like to cherry pick the Scriptures. Only apply what they think they can handle. Or do you believe that contentment just one more purchase away! LOL! Your civil thoughts please.

Need help becoming independent. Suggestions?

To become independent you need to cut off that Siamese twin of yours. You will never truly be alone until you do.

Why do humans have rights in america, unlike animals, when both have no souls?

there is no such thing as a soul, its just a way to cope with death being the eternal end. people need to stop desiring eternal life so much

Why do pagans believe in the gods they do, when they have never seen these gods nor have books by them?

Everything in your entire question is based around assumptions and stereotyping. Paganism is very loose son, you should do more research so you don't look like an idiot. Also troll.

Would it be reasonable to live in Oakland (or San Jose) and commute to Santa Cruz?

No. The commute from Oakland is impossible and the one from San Jose will get to you pretty quick. You will be far better off to live in Santa Cruz and commute to the bay area once every couple weekends for the cultural scene.

Should I stay away from chat rooms?

its seems you are addicted to the internet,just continue if it makes you happy to chat,as for me I cant stay withiout makin friend and chatin at the internet,men are like that,they can make u fall in love with them and disapear,it use to happen to me til at last I found someone who became my very good friend for 3months and later became my boyfriend,we known each other for 6months now and ready to meet soon though his from america and am from down let jerk men let you down,if you want to chat go to the internet and make friends and chat mayb u can even find real love.

B&A: What's a good job for my character?

Hi. For your character's everyday job, here's some "mundane" kinda boring/ordinary jobs he could have, keeping in mind he's a smart man (so obviously no janitor-like careers, lol); Computer Programmer, Accountant, Engineer, Science Teacher, Music Teacher, University Lecturer, Journalist.. just some suggestions off the top of my head. For his "secret" job: Coroner, Private Investigator, Arson Squad Detective, (FBI agent is good, but a little predictable), or I'm thinking he could be involved with some sort of Witness Protection Unit, where it is his resposibility to keep updates and secret recordson the whereabouts of people he has organised new identities for, like he's the only one (apart from his boss) who plans these "new lives" for those needing witness protection. He follows up and organises new jobs, homes/locations etc.. that would be something he would definitely HAVE to keep secret from everyone. Good Luck :)

How to address a person with "Post Doctoral Psychology Associate" as her title?

Would I call her Mrs. or Dr.? I'm assuming Dr. but I don't want to embarrass myself or her. Thanks.

What should I do in this situation? PLEASE HELP :(?

Sure, it sucks when this happens, but the only thing you do is lose his number and don't contact him again. And move on. Shouldn't be hard since yall were not in a relationship.

Yamaha fs 310 with bird on headstock?

i have a Yamaha fs 310 guitar, but unlike the traditional logo, it has a bird emblem on the headstock. what is the difference?? it was very hard to find any info, and what i did find, wasn't any help. please help me!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Even though I will be a law student, should I get a PharmD or PhD in a chemistry-related field in the future?

As member of the IP Faculty at UNH Law, this could be a long discussion. We have scores of students with advanced degrees in chemistry as well as some PharmD degree holders. One of our PharmD degree holders is glad to communicate with you on your questions. You can email him directly or contact me for more advanced degree holders. Please contact Nathan Newbold at Hope to see you in the Fall. Professor Cavicchi

Is it harder to score in mens lax or girls lax?

Okay my gf and i got in this huge friendly argument about which is harder to score in, girls lax or mens lax? I went up to a tournament and she asked me how i did when i got home i was pumped i had scored 6 goals and had just a really great game, she obv had to 1-up me and said well still cant beat my 12 goal game at my winter tournament, i replied well its so much more easier to score in girls because u cant even touch each other unlike guys who body check and poke check and all sorts of other checks to make it much much harder to score, now c'mon guys isnt it much harder to score in guys lax than girls lax ;)

Is Jo-Wilfried Tsonga Gay?

I just went on his Wiki page, and first line it says 'he is openly gay'. Is this someone playing mischief on wiki again ?

How come liberals don't care that Ted "mickey" Kennedy took part in negligent homicide of a girl?

What did Mary Jo Kopechke ever do to them? Aren't they supposed to stick up for "the little guy" against spoiled elites?

Whats the best adoption agency for Americans looking to adopt from China's waiting children's list?

International adoption is always in flux. China's waiting child program is very good, and right now allows some single women who meet pretty strict requirements to adopt special needs or older children. But, international adoption programs change so much so quickly. If I were you, I'd just keep an eye on what's happening with the program, prepare yourself for adoptive parenting in general in the meantime, and get into specific agencies when the time is much closer. Good Luck!

Should I quit volleyball?

I've played volleyball in school for 3 years and i've played JO's for 5 years now. I just got done with a JO season. I played very little! There are girls younger than me (coaches daughters) that get to start and never get to sit on the bench. The same players play over and over. Some of them dont even like volleyball. I love it and its the only sport i play. i dont know what to do... ive put my time in, ive spent alot of money to play, i dont have a bad attitude, ive never been late (im always a half an hour early for games and practice) i get along with everyone, i dont brag.... i dont know what im doing wrong.... PLEASE HELP!!

Installation of JOOMLA on WAMP?

do you following the quick start document provided by joomla? have you created mysql database using phpmyadmin? do you provided valid mysql database info when you installing joomla? please read the document first as its step by step tutorial how to install joomla.

200 free relay JO time?

what is the 11-12 girls 200 free relay JO time and the 13-14 girls 200 free relay JO time for swimming. best answer gets 10 points!

How do I tell my parents I have social anxiety disorder?

I just looked up the symptoms and it looks like i have just about all of them and this has been going on for a while the problem is im black and unlike white parents black people dont really believe in that kind of stuff. They'll say that im overexaggerating or that I dont know what im talking about. How do I tell them about this so that I can get help?

What would a real name be for a girl's nickname of Jo?

Uhhh Joanna, Josephine, Josie, Jordan, Joan, Jobelle, Jobeth, Jodean, Jodelle, Joetta, Joette, Jolana, Joleesa, Jolene, Jolinda, Jolisa, Jolise, Jolissa, Jolyn, Jodyn, Jolynn, Jo-Marie, Jonell, Jonelle, Jonessa, Jonetia, Joniece, Jonique, Jonisa, Joquise, Jorene, Josanna, Josanne, Jody, Jovelle and Jozette.

In Big Time Rush, do you think Jo will ever come back for Kendall? =(?

I'm so sad that Jo actually left for New Zealand! I thought Kendall would stop her. Three years is a really long time...i hope she comes back in the 3rd season!!!!! =(

Can post doctoral residents in AZ get paid by percentage split? or stipend only?

What has this got to do with mental health? Put it in the right category ("careers and employment" under "business and finance") and/or google it.

Which baby name do you like better?

I don't really like Bennet Azalea (Azalea's cool though :D) Natalie Joanne's cute! It flows, kind of? And Annelies, don't like the spelling much - Analise or Annalise maybe? and I don't really like Quincy:P

I am having burping problems?

I have extreme pain in my stomach and I know the pain because it is unlike any other pain in the world and it is caused by me not being able to burp to please tell me What do you do when you need to burp and absolutely cannot? And can you stop this before it happens again?

How can you tell if an older guy likes you?

Ok so I have had an insanely huge crush on this guy ever since elementary school, but the problem is that he is almost 20 and I'm 16. Once I was old enough to see it was never going to happen, I began to think of him as an older brother when we were around each other, but that crush was still there. Well now I'm 16 and he has randomly started to text me non-stop all day. He's also asked me to come hang out with him and his friends, and we have a blast when we do this stuff and he has every quality I could ever want in a guy, but I'm not sure if he likes me or if I'm still just like the kid sister. When he texts me, he doesn't seem very interested and he seems oblivious to my obvious attempts at flirting through text and completely brushes them off, but when we are together in person he's smiling and he hugs me and we wrestle each other in the pool. And every now and then I will get a flirty text but it is always very short lived. He is unlike any other guy I have ever met and I would be ecstatic if we got together, but I can't tell if he really likes me or not. Please help!!!

Transferring to Stanford?

Hello, I am 18 years old from Texas and interested in transferring to Stanford. My interest is to major in mathematics and electrical engineering. I attend school at the University of Texas in Austin where I live. It was the only school I applied to in highschool simply because I wanted to stay at home for a while until I was ready to go away. I wasn't ready to go away due to anxiety problems, social issues, and lack of maturity/responsibility. When I was a senior in highschool, my concerns were learning how to socialize with my future roomates in the dorm and being able to make friends. During that time, I was able to adapt to college and research potential college graduate and doctoral programs in mathematics. Now that I have spent almost a year here in Texas and am ready to move on in my life, I am considering Stanford as one of my possible school choices. This year, I managed to complete 45 credits of coursework last semester with a 4.0 gpa. What makes me stand out as an applicant is my interest in mathematics and sciences. Since highschool I have taken multivariable calculus, number theory, and several courses related to pure mathematics. It would be too lengthy to detail it here, since this is just a brief of my background, but I also have some significant research studies in engineering that would bolster my resume. I don't know if colleges really care about highschool statistics, since it seems somewhat insignificant as compared to collegiate achievements, but I scored 5's on the AP Physics B, AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism, AP Calculus BC and AP Government exams in highschool. My SAT was somewhere between 2100-2400 (dont recall at the moment) and all test scores were good. The only downside of my highschool days was the fact that I had a low gpa (3.4 unweighted) because I was bored in highschool and didnt bother to do required assignments. Is there anything else Stanford is looking for? Thanks

Is that normal? my 2 yo never had a tantrum?

Consider yourself blessed with an easy going child. Some children are "easier" than others. (Hopefully you didn't just jynx yourself by asking this question.)

Are there any current bands similar to the ink spots?

I love the ink spots and I think it's a shame how such music doesn't exist in today's bands. Please suggest any bands similar to them. By the way, one reason why I think they're so unique is because their songs are about love. You know? I can actually sense the meaning in their songs unlike sh!tty justin beiber music. His songs are pointless and another reason why I don't like his songs are because he's a teenager singing about love. You know what I mean? Obviously I have never listened to more than 3 of his songs, but anyways, I just don't like the idea of how a teenager can experience something adults can truly feel. Wow, sorry I got off topic.

Advice regarding stray cat,please.especially if u have experience with semi-feral.?

i have 2 friendly cats.a neighbor moved and left behind a siamese mix.we fed him for 3 months and finally caught him and took him in.he loves our other cats and they love him..we are going to keep the new cat,indoor only like our first two.heres the problem.sam the new cat has an appointment to be neutered/get shots this thurs.but he does not like to be handled,and he hisses and is threatening when we try to pick him up.i would like to have proper vet visit for him,but he is a large scary tom and i am afraid my husband and i will get torn up trying to catch him.we had to use a trap to get him inside and i think he will be too smart to fall for that again.his urine does not smell strong,unlike most intact males,and he goes in the box and does not spray.i wonder if he has been fixed already-cant get close enough to find out.we dont mind that he doesnt like being handled.he gets along well with our kitties,and he was not looking too good on the streets.we are glad to give him a home, even if he would rather interact with other cats,not us.he is not aggressive unless u try to pick him up or carry him.he will let himself be petted sometimes.but he does get agrgessive if handled and messed with too,do we try to wrestle him into the carrier thurs morning,put it off awhile,or just not neuter him? i worry that intact males are prone to blockages, however.i am not trying to get out of a vet visit,i just dont want to get hurt,my mom was bit by a cat once and had to go to the hospital it was pretty bad.we could not leave him outside,other cats were beating him up ,he seemed miserably unhappy.except when handled a lot,he seems content and happy at our house and relieved to have fresh food,water and a nice place to i try the vet thurs or not? hints or tips for dealing with fearful,semi-feral cats,appreciated...

Which degree in clinical psychology should i get..........................?

Im going for a psyd and i wanna work in a hospital setting and id like to get a doctoral degree considering that i wanna work in a hospital so which degree should i get: doctoral degree, masters degree or bacholar degree?

How do you tell someone you love them?

Aw this is lovely :) Ive been heart broken to and I am so anti relationships right now so I understand where you are at. Wish someone would come in my life and make me believe in love again! ONE DAY :) But anywaysss... don't tell him until the right moment! The right moment it will just slip out and you wont be able to hold it back. Don't plan on telling him, just let it happen when It happens, there is no rush for the word love, love is a patient thing. Just remember actions speak louder than words, so show him you love him, no words needed ;)

I feel pretty guilty about this, anyone have a similar experience?

I don't know what is going on with me. I was a freshman in college last semester. I know it is normal to explore as a freshman and hook up with girls, but I feel wrong. I let myself go and I made out with a girl randomly and then pretty much led another girl on, which is completely unlike me. I started flirting with a girl and I kissed and made out with her and slept in her bed with her (didn't have sex). I didn't intend on having any sort of relationship with her. I don't know why, but I kept sending her very flirty text messages and flirting with her, even though I didn't want a relationship or even a hook up really. She ended up being upset because I "led her on". Has anyone had a similar experience, and is there anything wrong with me? I have never done anything like this before.

Cutsey nicknames for someone named Jonathan?

Not just the normal jo and jon that he goes by - I started the jo one which he likes a lot better than jon. But now everyone else calls him jo so I need new nicknames for him. Help?

Did the twilight saga fever die?

I mean besides breaking dawn movies coming up..but it doesn't look like a big deal, unlike a couple years ago....

Help on Maths Exam question?

Let's just say, the 1 litre of water is irrelevant. (9 plants x 1 time a week x 12 weeks) + (11 plants x 2 times a week x 12 weeks) = number of times Joe needs to feed plants. Multiply that by 15 to get how many ml they'll have to use then divide that by 1500 to find the number of bottles needed.

Did second-century Jews provide an apology or polemic against Celsus?

I am gathering info for a doctoral thesis. Celsus ridiculed Christians of his time by calling them second-rate Jews. I am aware of Origen’s defense in behalf of Christians, but did any Jewish writer weight in? I am aware that Jewish sources of that era are scarce.

What do you guys think Pottermore is?

So, all you Harry Potter fans know that J.K. Rowling's new project is called Pottermore, but nobody other than Jo herself knows what exactly it is. People say it could be a social network or the encyclopedia. I, personally, have no clue. What do you guys think?

Is psychology a bad degree to get?

I'm really interested in psychology and how the mind works etc. and would love to do something to do with psychology or become a psychologist, but ive heard have just a normal psychology degree isn't that valued as so many people have one and that its hard to get a job that's actually related to psychology. I've also heard that if you then go on to do a doctoral in psychology its also difficult to get a job as a psychologist and that most people don't tend to do the doctoral for a while after graduating, but what do they do in the meantime? I just don't want to go to uni and come out not being able to get a decent job, especially with the cost of it all now!! Any help would be great!

Please rate this NBA trade for OKC and UTAH?

Good trade, but not really for OKC. Harris had one good year, and that's it. There's a reason why he's only been an All-Star once. He's not a pure PG, he doesn't like to pass the ball. I know in New Jersey, there wasn't a lot of good talent. That's not an excuse anymore, because Deron Williams averaged like 12 APG with the Nets.

Are we really decendants from Apes and monkeys?

if we really evolve from Apes and monkeys, then why do apes and monkeys still exist? the other thing is, we are taught in islam that there is this kinda knowledge that won't affect the way or the fact that we exists, like that of the very begining of the universe, if Allah really wanted us to know, we would've been there and known exactly about every detail that happened, like how the clusters and the clouds of stars and galaxies, how they formed, another example is for that farmer that uses electricity, if u ask him, he doesnt know what is really going on, he doesnt know about the electric current going through a wire can create a magnetic field, he doesnt even know who discovered that Current usually flows through wires? but does that affects the way of how it is working? does that mean that he cant be benifited from it? it does exists, and no one can deny its existance cuz we see its signs when u turn on/ off the push button light switch, so is the likeness of your existance, you do exists, and you're enjoying the bounties and the gifts of God, every breathe you take, the body functioning, the facilities you have been given, like the ability to taste, see, hear, sense, walk, talk, etc. the intellects you have been given, which you're so-called ancestors of apes and monkeys lacks, you're given a mind to see the signs of the creator, and that mind, that intellect you're given is what seperates you from animal kingdom, and thus, you have this responsablility towards the creator and His creation, you have this responsablitiy to understand the message of truth, and the very reason of why we're here, and unlike animals you are not forced to worship God as they have chosen before their very creation, when Allah asked the heavens and earths and the creatures, to choose weather to be forced to worship Him or to be given a free-will temporary for their lifetime, and they said "we choose to be forced to worship You, O Allah, as we cannot be able to disobey you, we can't bear its conscequences", but mankind have choosen to have this free-will given By their Lord, to choose, and they said "we'll take it", so.. you may deny it if you want to, but this won't help stopping or avoiding the truth when it comes, think about it, Peace :]

B&A: What's a good job for my character?

For the job he tells everyone else about, he could be a music teacher to young kids. Plays the acoustic guitar and all. That seems pretty innocent. :p

Why do people have a problem with God killing people?

But not have a problem with humans killing one another senselessly in wars. Unlike humans God can read hearts. He knows when a person is just wicked and not going to change. But humans can't read hearts. They kill to support ones country or for stupid things like oil. But you will cheer for humans but blaspheme God. God is the source of life. He created us. So therefore he has the right to take a life if he chooses. What gives humans the right to take a life?

What would a real name be for a girl's nickname of Jo?

Uhhh Joanna, Josephine, Josie, Jordan, Joan, Jobelle, Jobeth, Jodean, Jodelle, Joetta, Joette, Jolana, Joleesa, Jolene, Jolinda, Jolisa, Jolise, Jolissa, Jolyn, Jodyn, Jolynn, Jo-Marie, Jonell, Jonelle, Jonessa, Jonetia, Joniece, Jonique, Jonisa, Joquise, Jorene, Josanna, Josanne, Jody, Jovelle and Jozette.

Does Jo-ann restock their fabric?

I went to Jo-ann last week to get some fabric. I found some and I really love it, but I bought the last yard of it they had out. I want to go again this weekend because I need about another two yards, but will they have the same fabric in stock?

Ms USA will have questions about teaching Evolution in schools. What do you think?

Evolution does exists it just depends on the depth of which it is taught. It is scientifically proven that evolution as happened over time. I think most people do not realize that just because evolution exist it does not prove the non existence of a God. A simple example of evolution can be seen with Darwin's Finches. Those birds "prove" evolution happens. Now no one can "prove" man came from a monkey but have you ever thought that evolution may be an avenue by which God accomplishes things. Contrary to what many believe science does not prove the absence of a God rather supports the need for some master creator with supreme order in a universe which is bound by the laws of thermodynamics i.e. entropy. How can so much order here on earth be found when science tells us that the universe moves towards chaos.

Is a Ph.D really worth it?

I have a master's degree and I'm pondering doing a doctoral degree. Is it worth the time and money or is it a de humanizing experience?

Can someone help me find an answer please :)?

" Carol Davida" University is well known. If you work hard and have good grades you can do a master of whatever wherever you want.There are a lot a doctors that leave the Romanian medical system to go and work in countries like the UK, Spain, etc. , and that shows that the Romanian Med schools are well known and recognized, so finding a job will be quite easy. To be one of the best in your class you have to know Romanian at a high level.

HELP!! I need a Translation. (Philipino/Tagalog) But its slaaang :( !!!?

What do you mean? translate this into Tagalog? or from Tagalog? What language is this? I don't think its Tagalog jejeje..

Kid's Television Show?

Ok this is from the '90s I think. All I remember was there there were three kids (2 boys and a girl), I think they were siblings, and they had super powers. I think the girls name was Jo, she had super strength and she always laced her fingers or something before using her powers...I think it came on after or before The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? HELP!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

About Apostle Paul's Business?

Paul received money from the churches he started. He even whines in a letter about people protesting that fact stating " should only I and barnabus work for a living? The other apostles don't work", which is a lie as accepting funds for preaching would render one a false prophet.

Could you help me with a middle name?

I'm going to name my daughter Jo. It will not be short for anything. It has a special meaning and will not be altered. It will be her first name. Do not comment on the name. I need middle names. The last name is Pelletier. Thanks.

Where in London can I get a French flag?

I am French and I may go the tennis Queen's final tomorrow (it might be postponed to tomorrow) and I would like to cheer Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.

In Canada, can one not refer to themselves as a "physicist" without a license?

That has been granted by the Canadian association of physicists? If a post-doctoral fellow (phD) who is not a licensed physicist were to refer to themselves as a "physicist" on their resume, can the government take legal action against them and what are the possible consequences?

Could a degree in psychology lead to...?

Could earning a degree in psychology lead to earning a psychiatry residency? It is my understanding that in order to obtain a psychiatry residency, one must have a medical degree. It also appears that a psychologist, once graduated from graduates school, would hold a medical degree if they were to have taken the appropriate courses. So, my question is, after completing a doctoral degree in psychology, would one be able to apply for a psychiatry residency? Or is said residency only applicable to those who have obtained a sort of basic medical degree?

How long does it take to receive a Juris Doctoral? Are there any requirements?

JD -- usual time is three years of full time study after you have already received a Bachelor's degree.

Can a 400W Bronze Cert handle this system?

Well, you will be able to use it probably without any problems. But i wouldn't recommend you to change it.

My PhD advisor is making my life hell.?

I'm currently doing my doctoral studies at one of the top engineering schools in the US. My advisor is a US citizen of Indian origin. His lab has over 80% Indian students and and the rest are Chinese including myself and some part-time American students. Everything was fine and under control until a year ago when my advisor started a software company and recruited people in our lab. He only asked foreign students like myself and said he could not pay us because we were not allowed to work for more than 20 hours per week on a student visa. He said he would pay us later and that this would be a great opportunity... might extend to a full-time job offer with sponsorship for a US visa. He went on to say that even if we say "No", we'd still have to help with research stuff in support of this commercial effort. And he said that if we don't join this effort, then we'd have to find a different thesis topic. I was already three years into my doctoral studies. I got scared and I was in majority... forced to join this commercial effort. Then, all sorts of problems started to emerge. He made our thesis work the lowest priority. He filled our schedules with this company work. He made us come to school every weekend. We wanted to submit papers to journals and conferences, but he left no time for us to do anything academic. Last one year was pure hell. We had to put in between 60 to 80 hours every week with no vacation time. He said regularly that he could not promise anything in writing because technically we were not supposed to work beyond 20 hours. Slowly, I became worried. I was moving further and further away from academic work. No publications. Nothing. Besides, with no promise of anything in writing, I had to completely rely on what he was saying... that he would pay us later. The problem is that he himself does not do much work. He only comes to some meetings and he'll either fall asleep or he only wants to hear that things are running fine and clients are satisfied. He's taking all the money right now. Recently he told each of us how much money we would be getting "later". I was literally shocked by this. He is giving each of us a small fraction of the company equity (less than 1%), and he plans to pay us less than half the average salary a fresh/new PhD graduate would get in our field, in industry. Some of us raised doubts and spoke to him only to learn that he is expecting us to join his company no matter what. He's reminded us that in case we decide to leave him, we would need to pick a different thesis topic not related to the research supporting this commercial product. All of us are four to five years into our doctoral studies. We are left with no choice. We are foreign students and we don't know where to go ask for help. This whole department and engineering college are full of Indian professors and they all know each other. I don't know what to do. One friend has decided to drop out of PhD program and just leave. I don't think I can do that... I don't want my four years of effort in graduate school to go into a waste bin. My parents will be devastated.

Big Time Rush or iCarly?

BIG TIME RUSH IS THE BEST!!!! i like icarly to but big time rush is accually funny. icarly is funny but sometimes dumb haha. and i love there songs!!!!! hahah

What do you think of these names?

Love almost all of them... Not so sure about Manessa, or Sky... Love love Sunday and Sophia for girls and Lee (my sons name) and Oliver I like a lot!!

How can i activate my udid for free or cheap?

can someone plz activate my udid for free its 7287ef48cbe151236ac5efe0c4b9883f664610d5 or if you want me to pay email me at i will pay but only once it is activated plz trust me or is there a free way thx (ipod touch 4gen)

My cockatiel keeps either regurgutating or vomiting?

My beloved male cockatiel, Jo-Jo keeps sneezing and either regurgitating or throwing up. He's literally like a brother to me and my parents got him just before I was born (I just turned 18 in May.) I don't know what to do! I'm certain he's just regurgitating because he pumps his head before it happens, and he eats and drinks, and his color and eyes are fine. but he's been doing this for almost two weeks, several times a day. When his seeds come back up they're whole and undigested. I just gave him some organic and freshly cleaned lettuce from my garden, and he's been eating it. Also, he only goes to the bottom of his cage to chew on clean paper and then he comes right back up. Please, can someone tell me if there's anything wrong with him? I can't imagine life without my little brother in it, and I know he's old but he's usually very healthy. I always have my phone on me, infact I typed this on it... so if you could send me an email letting me know if he's alright. I don't know if you can get my email without me typing it but it's Please help me! Joey's life matters to me more than anything, including my own life. So please, please help! Thanks...

Need some help (staying the night at someone's house soon)?

You are stressing out way too much(: just be proper wear a skirt if you want use manners and who cares if you pee at her house and if her brother is a creeper then just ignore it and don't think about and I guess you don't NEED juice or soda just ask for water unless they offer soda or juice and breakfest, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I'm always really sweet an nice to my friends parents so now I'm their favorite daughters friend. I guess you could asked to leave the table and for dinner if the pizza noodles, I think you should try it and I'd you don't like it ask her parents if you could have a sandwhich or something but just don't worry about it and who cares if the girl is "weird" just be nice(: besides everyone needs a nice friend(: good luck just relax(;

How important is it to you that people like your work ?

Everyone likes to think people like their work, but if I really love the work the criticism doesn't bother me as much. I had two members of my family point out everything they thought should be changed in a painting before I entered it into a show and it won first prize over many other paintings.

May I wear my doctoral robes (earned 15+ years ago) to receive a Masters degree in a different field?

I earned my doctorate for my first career many years ago. I have been taking classes and will soon earn a Masters degree in spring 2012. May I wear my doctoral robes and tam to recieve this MA hood?

What DSI Game Card Should I Get and From Which Site?

you can go to i think it is more popular site, the PR is 4, and professional provide video game accessories since 2004.

What is the correct form of writing this in spanish? its for spanish i have been struggling with it?

Idk if im missing the accents but i dont think i am its counting it wrong, can it be im writting it correctly? here this is the prompt that i have to write idk how to write this ~ but that is not my concern right now......... Para el ano que viene yo (defender) la tesis. En dos anos una universidad muy grande me (aceptar) para su programa doctoral. Mis padres (acostumbrarse) a la idea que vivire en los estados unidos permanentemente. Mi novio (mudarse) a la ciudad donde yo estudiare para el doctorado. Nosotros (decidir) si nos casaremos o no. En cinco anos yo (graduarse) con el doctorado y tambien yo (conseguir) el trabajo de mis suenos................PLEASE SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY IDK WHY IM HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME AND IM MEXICAN LOL i would think i would know how to write in spanish but i guess i dont. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY.